- A Priori and A Posteriori
- Abelard, Peter
- Abortion
- Academy, The
- Active Powers
- Addams, Jane
- Adorno, Theodor
- Advaita Vedānta
- Aenesidemus
- Aesthetics
- Ancient
- Attitude
- Continental Philosophy
- Emotion
- Epistemology
- Ethical Criticism
- Formalism
- Medieval Theories
- Popular Music
- Taste
- African Philosophy, History of
- African Predicament, The
- African Sage Philosophy
- Agamben, Giorgio
- Aim of Belief
- Alexander Polyhistor
- Alexander, Samuel
- Altruism and Group Selection
- American Enlightenment Thought
- American Philosophy
- American Transcendentalism
- American Wilderness Philosophy
- Analytic Philosophy
- Anaxagoras
- Anaxarchus
- Anaximander
- Anaximenes
- Ancient Aesthetics
- Ancient Ethics
- Ancient Greek Philosophy
- Ancient Greek Skepticism
- Anderson, John
- Animal Minds
- Animals and Ethics
- Anomalous Monism, Davidson and
- Anscombe, G.E.M.
- Anselm of Canterbury
- Anselm: Ontological Argument for God's Existence
- Anthropology, The Philosophy of
- Antirealism, Scientific Realism and
- Antisthenes
- Apology
- Applied Ethics
- Aquinas, Thomas
- Metaphysics
- Moral Philosophy
- Political Philosophy
- Theology
- Arcesilaus
- Arendt, Hannah
- Argument
- Aristippus
- Aristotle
- Biology
- Ethics
- Logic
- Metaphysics
- Motion and its Place in Nature
- Poetics
- Politics
- Arnauld, Agnes
- Arnauld, Angélique
- Arnauld, Antoine
- Art and Emotion
- Art and Epistemology
- Art, Ethical Criticism of
- Artificial Intelligence
- Artistic Medium
- Astrology, Hellenistic
- Atheism
- Atheists, New
- Augustine
- Social and Political Philosophy
- Aurelius, Marcus
- Austin, John Langshaw
- [Autism]]
- Autonomy
- Normative
- Averroes (Ibn Rushd)
- Avicenna (Ibn Sina)
- Logic
- Aztec Philosophy
- Bacon, Francis
- Bacon, Roger
- Bacon: Language
- Bakhtin Circle
- Bayle, Pierre
- Beattie, James
- Beauvoir, Simone de
- Beccaria, Cesare
- Behaviorism
- Belief, The Aim of
- Bell Inequalities
- Bentham, Jeremy
- Berkeley, George
- Berlin Circle
- Bhartrihari
- Bhedābheda Vedānta
- Bioethics
- Biology, Philosophy of
- laga, Lucian
- Blame and Praise
- Blondel, Maurice
- Bodin, Jean
- Bolingbroke, Henry St. John
- Bolzano: Mathematical Knowledge
- Bonhoeffer, Dietrich
- Bradley, F. H.
- Logic
- Brain-in-a-Vat Argument
- Buber, Martin
- Buddha
- Buddhism - Madhyamaka
- Buddhism - Pudgalavāda
- Butler, Joseph
- Caird, Edward
- Calvin, John
- Camus, Albert
- are Ethics
- Carnap, Rudolf
- Modal Logic
- Carneades
- Cassirer, Ernst
- Castoriadis, Cornelius
- Causation, Hume on
- Cavendish, Margaret
- Chang Tsai (Zhang Zai)
- Change, Scientific
- Cheng Hao (Cheng Mingdao)
- Cheng Yi
- hinese Philosophy
- Gender
- Modern
- Topics
- Chinese Room Argument
- Christian Philosophy: The 1930s French Debates
- Chrysippus
- Chu Hsi (Zhu Xi)
- Chuang-Tzu (Zhuangzi)
- Chung Hui (Zhong Hui)
- Cicero
- Academic Skepticism
- Classical Music, The Aesthetics of
- Classification
- Cleanthes
- Cloning
- Cognition, Embodied
- Cognitive Relativism
- Coherentism in Epistemology
- Collective Intentionality
- Collective Moral Responsibility
- Color
- Comparative Philosophy
- Compositionality
- Computational Theory of Mind
- Concepts
- Classical Theory
- Theory-Theory
- Conceptual Role Semantics
- Confirmation and Induction
- Confucius
- Confucian Philosophy: Neo-Confucian Philosophy
- Connectionism
- Consciousness
- Hard Problem
- Higher-Order Theories
- Integrated Information Theory
- Consequentialism]
- Consequentialism, Epistemic
- Constrastivism, Ethics and
- Constructive Mathematics
- Constructivisim in Metaethics
- Constructivism, Political
- Contextualism in Epistemology
- Continental Rationalism
- Criterion, Problem of the
- Critias
- Critical Rationalism, Karl Popper and
- Critical Theory and the Frankfurt School
- Cudworth, Ralph
- Cumberland, Richard
- Cynics
- Cyrenai
- d’Andilly, Angélique de Saint Jean Arnauld
- Dacier, Anne Le Fèvre
- Dai Zhen (Tai Chen)
- Damon
- Daoist Philosophy
- Davidson, Donald Herbert
- Anomalous Monism
- Philosophy of Language
- De Beauvoir, Simone
- De Chantal, Jeanne-Françoise Frémyot, Baronne
- De Sévigné, Marie de Rabutin-Chantal, Marquise
- Deconstruction
- Deduction, Natural
- Deductive and Inductive Arguments
- Deductive-Theoretic Conceptions of Logical Consequence
- Defeaters in Epistemology
- Definitions, Predicative and Impredicative
- Deism, English
- Deism, French
- Deleuze, Gilles
- Democritus
- Demonax
- Demonstratives and Indexicals
- Derrida, Jacques
- Descartes, René
- Descartes: Mind-Body Distinction
- Descartes: Scientific Method
- Desert
- Deshoulieres, Antoinette
- Design Arguments for the Existence of God
- Determinism, Theological
- Dewey, John
- Dialogical Logic
- Diderot, Denis
- Differential Ontology
- Dignity, Human
- Diogenes of Apollonia
- Diogenes of Sinope
- Disjunctivism
- Distributive Justice
- Divine Command Theory
- Divine Immutability
- Divine Simplicity
- Donoso Cortés, Juan
- Doxastic Voluntarism
- Dreaming, Philosophy of
- Du Bois, William Edward Burghardt
- Dualism and Mind
- Dummett, Michael
- Duns Scotus, John
- Durkheim, Émile
- Dynamic Epistemic Logic
- Eckhart, Meister
- Eclecticism
- Economic Sanctions, Ethics of
- Economics and Law
- Egalitarianism
- Egalitarianism, Moral
- Egoism
- Psychological
- Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Argument
- Ellacuria, Ignacio
- Emanation
- Embodied Cognition
- Emergence
- Emerson, Ralph Waldo
- Emotion, Theories of
- Empathy and Sympathy in Ethics
- Empedocles
- Encyclopedists
- Enlightenment Thought, American
- Environmental Ethics
- Environmental Justice Movement, The American
- Epictetus
- Epicurus
- Epiphenomenalism
- Epistemic Justification
- Epistemic Logic, Dynamic
- Epistemic Luck
- Epistemology
- Art
- Circularity
- Closure Principles
- Coherentism
- Consequentialism
- Contextualism
- Defeaters
- Entitlement
- Ethnoepistemology
- Evolutionary
- Fallibilism
- Feminist
- Infinitism
- Internalism and Externalism
- Justification
- Luck
- Memory
- Moral
- Naturalistic
- Perception
- Reformed
- Relativism
- Religious
- Testimony
- Transmission and Transmission Failure
- Understanding
- Value
- Virtue
- Epsilon Calculi
- Erasmus, Desiderius
- Ethical Expressivism
- Ethics
- Ancient
- Animals
- Applied
- Bertrand Russell's
- Care
- Care-Worker Migration
- Constrastivism
- Environmental
- Evolutionary
- Modern and Ancient
- Non-Cognitivism
- Phenomenology
- Self-Deception
- Stoic
- Surveillance
- Virtue
- Ethnoepistemology
- Euclides
- Events
- Everettian Interpretations of Quantum Mechanics
- Evidence
- Evidentialism
- Evil Demon Problem, The New
- Evil, Evidential Problem of
- Evil, Logical Problem of
- Evolution, History of
- Evolutionary Epistemology
- Evolutionary Ethics
- Evolutionary Psychology
- Existentialism
- Explanation, Causal Role Theories of Functional
- Explanation, Theories of
- Externalism and Internalism in Epistemology
- Externalism and Internalism in Mind and Language
- Faith and Reason
- Fallacies
- Fallibilism
- Fanon, Frantz
- Fazang (Fa-tsang)
- Fedorov, Nikolai Fedorovich
- Feminism and Race in the United States
- Feminist Epistemology
- Feminist Ethics and Narrative Ethics
- Feminist Jurisprudence
- Feminist-Pragmatism
- Feminist Standpoint Theory
- Feng Youlan (Fung Yu-lan)
- Ferrier, James Frederick
- Fichte, Immanuel Hermann
- Fichte, Johann Gottlieb
- Ficino, Marsilio
- Fiction, Paradox of
- Fictionalism in the Philosophy of Mathematics
- Filial Obligation
- Film: Continental Perspectives
- Film: Philosophy through
- Fodor, Jerry
- Foreknowledge (Divine) and Omniscience
- Foreknowledge and Free Will
- Foucault, Michel
- Ethics
- Feminism
- Political Thought
- Foundationalism
- Frankfurt School and Critical Theory
- Free Will
- Medieval Theories of
- Foreknowledge and
- Frege, Gottlob
- Language
- Freud, Sigmund
- Functional Explanation, Causal Role Theories of
- Functionalism
- Gadamer, Hans-Georg
- Gale, Richard M.
- Galen
- Game Theory
- Gauḍapāda
- Ge Hong (Ko Hung)
- Gender in Chinese Philosophy
- Geometrical Method
- German Idealism
- Gettier Problems
- Geulincx, Arnold
- Girard, René
- Global Ethics: Capabilities Approach
- Gnosticism
- God and Time
- God, Design Arguments for the Existence of
- God, Anselm: Ontological Argument for the Existence of
- God, Pascal's Wager about
- God, Western Concepts of
- Gödel's Theorem, Lucas-Penrose Argument about
- Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von
- Golden Rule
- Gorgias
- Gouges, Olympe de
- Gournay, Marie
- Greek Philosophy, Ancient
- Greek Skepticism, Ancient
- Gregory of Nyssa
- Grimké, Sarah and Angelina
- Grotius, Hugo
- Guo Xiang
- Habermas, Jürgen
- Hadot, Pierre
- Hamann, Johann Georg
- Hamilton, William
- Hard Problem of Consciousness
- Hartmann, Karl Robert Eduard Von
- Hartshorne, Charles
- Biography and Psychology of Sensation
- Dipolar Theism
- Neoclassical Metaphysics
- Theistic and Anti-Theistic Arguments
- Hedonism
- Hegel: Social and Political Thought
- Hegelians, St. Louis
- Heidegger, Martin
- Hell
- Hellenistic Astrology
- Helvetius, Claude Adrien
- Hempel, Carl Gustav
- Heraclitus
- Herbert of Cherbury, Edward
- Hermeneutics, Legal
- Higher-Order Theories of Consciousness
- Hindu Philosophy
- Hinduism--Sāṅkhya
- Hipparchia
- Hippias
- Hippocrates
- History, Philosophy of
- Hobbes, Thomas
- Moral and Political Philosophy
- Methodology
- Hodgson, Shadworth
- Hölderlin, Johann Christian Friedrich
- Hsüan-tsang (Xuanzang)
- Hsün Tzu (Xunzi)
- Huineng (Hui-neng)
- Human Dignity
- Human Rights
- Humanism, Renaissance
- Humanitarian Intervention, Armed
- Hume, David
- Causation
- Imagination
- Religion
- Humor
- Hunhu/Ubuntu in the Traditional Thought of Southern Africa
- Husserl, Edmund
- Intentionality and Intentional Content
- Phenomenology of Embodiment
- Hutcheson, Francis
- Huxley, Thomas Henry
- Ibn Rushd (Averroes)
- Ibn Sina (Avicenna)
- Idealism, German
- Identity Theory
- Ikhwān al-Safā'
- Imagery and Imagination
- Imagination, Hume on
- Immortality
- Incarnation
- Inconsistent Mathematics
- Indexicals, Demonstratives and
- Indian Materialism—Lokāyata/Cārvāka
- Indispensability Argument in the Philosophy of Mathematics
- Individualism in Classical Chinese Thought
- Induction and Confirmation
- Inductive and Deductive Arguments
- Infinite, The
- Infinitism in Epistemology
- Informal Logic, Fallacies of
- Institution Theory
- Integrated Information Theory of Consciousness
- Intentionality
- Intentionality, Collective
- Internalism and Externalism in Epistemology
- Internalism and Externalism in Mind and Language
- Interventionism
- Introspection
- Irigaray, Luce
- Ismaili Philosophy
- KK (Knowing that one Knows) Principle
- Kant
- Aesthetics
- Metaphysics
- Mind
- Radical Evil
- Religion
- Kashmiri Shaiva Philosophy
- Khusraw, Nasir
- Kierkegaard, Søren
- Kirmani, Hamid al-Din al-
- Knowledge
- Knowledge Argument Against Physicalism
- Knowledge, Bolzano and Mathematical
- Knowledge by Acquaintance and Knowledge by Description
- Knowledge of Language
- Knowledge Norms
- Ko Hung (Ge Hong)
- Kojève, Alexandre
- Kraft, Victor
- Kuhn, Thomas S.
- Kuo Hsiang (Guo Xiang)
- La Sabliere, Marguerite Hessein de
- La Vallière, Louise-Françoise de la Baume Le Blanc, marquise de
- Lacan, Jacques
- Lambert, Anne-Thérèse Marguenat de Courcelles, marquise de
- Lambda Calculi
- Language and Frege
- Language of Thought Hypothesis
- Language, Knowledge of
- Language, Philosophy of
- Language, Religious
- Laozi (Lao-tzu)
- Latin American Philosophy
- Law and Economics
- Law, Philosophy of
- Laws of Nature
- Legal Hermeneutics
- Legal Positivism
- Legal Pragmatism
- Legal Validity
- Leibniz, Gottried Wilhelm
- Causation
- Logic
- Metaphysics
- Mind
- Lenclos, Ninon de
- Lequyer (Lequier), Jules
- Leucippus
- Lewis, Clarence Irving
- Liar Paradox
- Libertarianism
- Liezi (Lieh-tzu)
- Lindenbaum, Adolf
- Lipsius, Justus
- Literary Theory
- Locke, John
- Ethics
- Knowledge of the External World
- Political Philosophy
- Logic
- Dialogical
- Dynamic Epistemic Logic
- Leibniz's
- Logical Consequence
- Deductive-Theoretic Conceptions
- Model-Theoretic Conceptions
- Modal
- Paradoxes of
- Propositional
- Lokāyata/Cārvāka – Indian Materialism
- Lombard, Peter
- Lonergan, Bernard
- Lotze, Rudolf Hermann
- Love, History of
- Love, Philosophy of
- Lucas-Penrose Argument about Gödel's Theorem
- Luck
- Epistemic
- Moral
- Lucretius
- Luther, Martin
- Lyotard, Jean-Francois
- MacIntyre, Alasdair Chalmers
- Political Philosophy
- Madhva
- Madhyamaka Buddhism
- Maimon, Solomon
- Maimonides
- Maintenon, Françoise d’Aubigné, Madame de
- Malcolm, Norman
- Malebranche: Religion
- Mandeville, Bernard
- Marcel, Gabriel
- Marcus Aurelius
- Materialism, Indian (Lokāyata/Cārvāka)
- Mathematics
- Applicability of
- Constructive
- Fictionalism in
- Inconsistent
- Indispensability Argument in the Philosophy of
- Platonism in
- Poincaré’s Philosophy of
- Structuralism in
- Wittgenstein's Philosophy of
- McTaggart, J. M. E.
- Mead, George Herbert
- Meaning of Life: Contemporary Analytic Perspectives
- Meaning of Life: Early Continental and Analytic Perspectives
- Medicine, Philosophy of
- Medieval Theories of Aesthetics
- Medieval Theories of Free Will
- Medieval Theories of Practical Reason
- Memory, Epistemology of
- Mencius (Mengzi)
- Menippus
- Mental Causation
- Mental Illness, Philosophy of
- Merleau-Ponty, Maurice
- Metaepistemology
- Metaethics
- Constructivisim in
- Metaphilosophy, Contemporary
- Metaphor and Phenomenology
- Meyerson, Emile
- Middle Knowledge
- Middle Platonism
- Mill, John Stuart
- Ethics
- Mind
- Animal Minds
- Anomalous Monism
- Artificial Intelligence
- Behaviorism
- Connectionism
- Dualism
- Functionalism
- Identity Theory
- Kant's Philosophy of
- Language of Thought Hypothesis
- Mind, Theory of
- Multiple Realizability
- Minucius Felix
- Miracles
- Mitchell, William
- Modal Illusions
- Modal Logic: A Contemporary View
- Modal Logic, Carnap's
- Modal Metaphysics
- Model-Theoretic Conceptions of Logical Consequence
- Models
- Modern Chinese Philosophy
- Modern Morality and Ancient Ethics
- Molina, Luis (see Middle Knowledge)
- Molinism (see Middle Knowledge)
- Molyneux's Question
- Montaigne, Michel de
- Moore, George Edward
- Moral Character
- Moral Development
- Moral Egalitarianism
- Moral Epistemology
- Moral Luck
- Moral Particularism
- Moral Permissibility of Punishment, The
- Moral Philosophy (see Ethics)
- Moral Realism
- Moral Relativism
- Moral Responsibility, Collective
- Morality and Cognitive Science
- Mou, Zongsan
- Mozi (Mo-tzu)
- Multiculturalism
- Multiple Realizability, Mind and
- Music, The Aesthetics of Popular
- Music and Social Justice
- Musonius Rufus
- Nagarjuna
- Nancy, Jean-Luc
- Natural Deduction
- Natural Law
- Natural Theology
- Naturalism
- Naturalistic Epistemology
- Nature, Laws of
- Neo-Confucian Philosophy
- Neocolonialism
- Neo-Kantianism
- Neo-Platonism
- Neo-Stoicism
- New Atheists
- Nietzsche, Friedrich
- Philosophy of History
- Nihilism
- Non-Cognitivism in Ethics
- Nozick, Robert
- Political Philosophy
- Pacifism
- Paley, William
- Panpsychism
- Paraconsistent Logic
- Paradox
- Liar Paradox
- Logical Paradoxes
- Paradox of Fiction
- Russell's Paradox
- Russell-Myhill Paradox
- Yablo Paradox
- Zeno's Paradoxes
- Parmenides
- Particularism, Moral
- Pascal, Blaise
- Pascal's Wager about God
- Pascal, Jacqueline
- Peirce, Charles Sanders
- Architectonic Philosophy
- Logic
- Pragmatism
- Pejorative Language
- Perception, Epistemology of
- Perception, Objects of
- Peripatetics
- Personal Identity
- Personalism
- Phenomenal Conservatism
- Phenomenology
- Metaphor
- Natural Science
- Psychology
- Reduction
- Time-Consciousness
- Philo of Alexandria
- Philosophy: What Philosophy Is—Contemporary Perspectives
- Philosophy of Anthropology
- Philosophy of History
- Philosophy of Language
- Philosophy of Law
- Philosophy of Love
- Philosophy of Religion
- Philosophy of Sexuality
- Philosophy of War
- Philosophy through Film
- Physicalism, The Knowledge Argument Against
- Plato
- Academy
- Middle Period
- Organicism
- Phaedo
- Political Philosophy
- Republic
- Theaetetus
- Platonism and Theism
- Platonism, Mathematical
- Plotinus
- Poincaré, Jules Henri
- Philosophy of Mathematics
- Political Philosophy
- Aquinas
- Aristotle
- Armed Humanitarian Intervention
- Augustine
- Constructivism
- Distributive Justice
- Hobbes
- Human Rights
- Interventionism
- Just War Theory
- Justice, Western Theories of
- Locke
- MacIntyre
- Methodology
- Natural Law
- Nozick
- Obligation
- Pacifism
- Plato
- Property
- Punishment
- Rawls
- Realism
- Religion
- Revolution
- Totalitarianism
- War
- Polyhistor, Alexander
- Popper, Karl
- Critical Rationalism
- Philosophy of Science
- Political Philosophy
- Positivism, Legal
- Practical Reason, Medieval Theories of
- Pragmatism
- Praise and Blame
- Presocratics
- Predicative and Impredicative Definitions
- Priestley, Joseph
- Private Property, Right to
- Problem of the Criterion
- Process Philosophy
- Prodicus
- Proof-Theoretic Conceptions of Logical Consequence
- Proper Functionalism
- Property
- Propositional Logic
- Prosentential Theory of Truth
- Protagoras
- Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite
- Psychological Egoism
- Psychology, Evolutionary
- Pudgalavāda Buddhist Philosophy
- Punishment
- Punishment, The Moral Permissibility of
- Pyrrho
- Pythagoras
- Radhakrishnan, Sarvepalli
- Rahner, Karl
- Rāmānuja
- Rand, Ayn
- Rationalism, Continental
- Rawls, John
- Realism and Antirealism, Scientific
- Realism, Moral
- Recognition, Social and Political
- Reductio ad Absurdum
- Reductionism
- Reformed Epistemology
- Reichenbach, Hans
- Reid, Thomas
- Action
- Mind
- Relational Models Theory
- Relativism
- Moral
- Reliabilism
- Religion and Politics
- Religion, Philosophy of
- Religious Disagreement
- Religious Diversity, Theories of
- Religious Epistemology
- Religious Language
- Religious Pluralism
- Renaissance Philosophy
- Representation, Scientific
- Rescher, Nicholas
- Resource Bounded Agents
- Responsibility
- Responsibility, Collective Moral
- Resurrection
- Revolution, Political
- Ricoeur, Paul
- Right to Private Property
- Rights, Human
- Rights and Obligations of Parents
- Roman Philosophy
- Rorty, Richard
- Roy, M. N.
- Royce, Josiah
- Rousseau, Jean-Jacques
- Rufus, Musonius
- Russell, Bertrand
- Ethics
- Metaphysics
- Russell's Paradox
- Russell-Myhill Paradox
- Russian Philosophy
- Safety Condition for Knowledge
- Śāntideva
- Sānkhya
- Sablé, Marquise De
- Sadra, Mulla
- Santayana, George
- Sartre, Jean-Paul
- Existentialism
- Political Philosophy
- Schelling, F. W. J. von
- Schutz, Alfred
- Schopenhauer, Arthur
- Science, Karl Popper's Philosophy of
- Science, Philosophy of Social
- Scientific Change
- Scientific Realism and Antirealism
- Scientific Representation
- Scotus, John Duns
- Knowledge of God
- Self-Consciousness
- Self-Deception, Ethics and
- Sellars, Roy Wood
- Sellars, Wilfrid
- Philosophy of Mind
- Semantic Conceptions of Logical Consequence
- Semantics, Conceptual Role
- Sen's Capability Approach
- Seneca, Lucius Annaeus
- Sengzhao (Seng-Chao)
- Sense-Data
- Sentential Logic
- Sexuality, Philosophy of
- Shaftesbury, Earl of
- Shahrastānī, al-
- Shpet, Gustav
- Sijistani, Abu Ya‘qub al-
- Simplicity in the Philosophy of Science
- Skeptical Theism
- Skepticism, Ancient Greek
- Skepticism, Cicero's Academic
- Skepticism, Contemporary
- Smith, Adam
- Social Contract Theory
- Social Science, Philosophy of
- Social Justice, Music and
- Socialism
- Socrates
- Solipsism and the Problem of Other Minds
- Solovyov, Vladimir
- Sophists
- Soundness, Validity and
- Spencer, Herbert
- Spinoza, Benedict
- Epistemology
- Metaphysics
- Moral Philosophy
- Political Philosophy
- Square of Opposition
- Stanton, Elizabeth Cady
- Stephen, Leslie
- Stilpo
- Stirling, James Hutchison
- Stoicism
- Philosophy of Mind
- Ethics
- Structuralism, Mathematical
- Suarez, Francisco
- Substance, 17th Century Theories of
- Supervenience and Determination
- Supervenience and Mind
- Surrogate Parenting
- Surveillance Ethics
- Sympathy and Empathy in Ethics
- Symposium
- Synderesis
- Synesthesia
- Tai Chen (Dai Zhen)
- Taste, Aesthetic
- Technology, Philosophy of
- Testimony, Epistemology of
- Thales of Miletus
- Theaetetus, Plato's
- Theism, Open
- Theology, Natural
- Theophrastus
- Theory of Mind
- Thick Concepts
- Thomas Aquinas
- Thoreau, Henry David
- Thrasymachus
- Tibetan Philosophy
- Time
- Time Travel
- Time-Consciousness, Phenomenology and
- Timon
- Toleration
- Totalitarianism
- Transcendental Arguments
- Transmission and Transmission Failure in Epistemology
- Trinity, The
- Truth
- Pluralist Theories
- Prosentential Theory
- Truthmaker Theory
- Tu Weiming
- Tusi, Nasir al-Din
- Wang Bi (Wang Pi)
- Wang Chong (Wang Ch’ung)
- Wang Yangming (Wang Shou-Jen)
- War, Philosophy of
- Just War Theory
- Pacificsm
- Warburton, William
- Wasa, Kristina
- Whitehead, Alfred North
- Wilderness Philosophy, American
- Wiredu, Kwasi
- Wittgenstein, Ludwig
- Epistemology
- Mathematics, Later Philosophy of
- Wright, Chauncey
- Wuxing (Wu-hsin
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