វីនស្តុន ឆឺឈីល៖ ភាពខុសគ្នារវាងកំណែនានា

ខ្លឹមសារដែលបានលុបចោល ខ្លឹមសារដែលបានសរសេរបន្ថែម
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ស្លាក: កែ​សម្រួល​តាម​ទូរស័ព្ទ កំណែប្រែពីអ៊ីនធើណិតចល័ត Advanced mobile edit

កំណែនៅ ម៉ោង០៨:០៣ ថ្ងៃអាទិត្យ ទី១៧ ខែឧសភា ឆ្នាំ២០២០

វីនស្តុន លីអូណាត ស្ពិនហ្សឺ-ឆឺឈីល (៣០ វិច្ឆិកា ១៨៧៤ – ២៤ មករា ១៩៦៥) គឺជាអ្នកនយោបាយអង់គ្លេស, មន្រ្តីអង់គ្លេស និងអ្នកនិពន្ធ។ លោកបានក្លាយជានាយករដ្ឋមន្រ្តីអង់គ្លេសពីខែឧសភា ឆ្នាំ១៩៤០ ដល់ខែកក្កដា ឆ្នាំ១៩៤៥, អំឡុងពេលកាន់អំណាច លោកបានដឹកនាំអង់គ្លេសឱ្យទទួលជ័យជម្នះនៅក្នុងសង្គ្រាមលោកលើកទី២ ហើយក៏បានក្លាយជានាយករដ្ឋមន្រ្តីម្តងទៀត (អាណត្តិទី២) ពីខែតុលា ឆ្នាំ១៩៥១ ដល់ខែកក្កដា ឆ្នាំ១៩៥៥។ លោកបានក្លាយជាសមាជិកសភាអង់គ្លេស (MP) ពីខែមករា ឆ្នាំ១៩០០ រហូតដល់ខែតុលា ឆ្នាំ១៩៦៤ លើកលែងតែពីខែតុលា ឆ្នាំ១៩២២ ដល់ខែតុលា ឆ្នាំ១៩២៤ ហើយលោកក៏ជាតំណាងមណ្ឌលបោះឆ្នោតបានចំនួន ៥ ដងផងដែរ។ ឆឺឈីលត្រូវបានគេថាជាអ្នកចូលចិត្តប្រកាន់អនុវត្តមនោគមវិជ្ជាសេដ្ឋកិច្ចសេរី និងជាអ្នកចក្រពត្តិនិយម, ក្នុងមួយអាជីពជាអ្នកនយោបាយ ភាគច្រើនលោកគឺជាសមាជិកនៃគណបក្សអភិរក្សនិយម និងជាប្រធានបក្សពីខែតុលា ឆ្នាំ១៩៤០ រហូតដល់ខែមករា ឆ្នាំ១៩៤៥។ ឆឺឈីលធ្លាប់បានក្លាយជាសមាជិកនៃគណបក្សសេរីនិយម ពីខែឧសភា ឆ្នាំ១៩០៤ ដល់ខែមីនា ឆ្នាំ១៩២៤។

សឺ វីនស្តុន ឆឺឈីល
Sir Winston Churchill
តោគ្រហឹម, រូបដែលបានថតដោយលោកយូសែហ្វ ខាសឈ៍នៅឯសភាកាណាដាក្នុងថ្ងៃទី៣០ ខែធ្នូ ឆ្នាំ១៩៤១។
២៦ តុលា ១៩៥១ – ៥ មេសា ១៩៥៥
រងអានតូនី អ៊ីដិន
មុនក្លេមិន អាត្លី
បន្ទាប់អានតូនី អ៊ីដិន
១០ ឧសភា ១៩៤០ – ២៦ កក្កដា ១៩៤៥
រងក្លេមិន អាត្លី (១៩៤២–១៩៤៥)
មុនណេវីល ឆេមប៊ឺលិន
បន្ទាប់ក្លេមិន អាត្លី
៩ តុលា ១៩៤០ – ៦ មេសា ១៩៤៥
មុនណេវីល ឆេមប៊ឺលិន
បន្ទាប់អានតូនី អ៊ីដិន
វីនស្តុន លីអូណាត ស្ពិនហ្សឺ-ឆឺឈីល

(1874-11-30)30 November 1874
អកស៍ហ្វតសែរ, អង់គ្លេស
ស្លាប់24 January 1965(1965-01-24) (អាយុ 90 ឆ្នាំ)
ឃេនស៊ីងតុន, ឡុងដ៍, England
ពន្ធភាពក្លេមិនថាញ ហូស៊ី (រ.ក ១២ កញ្ញា ១៩០៨)
កូន៥ នាក់
ហត្ថលេខាឯកសារ:Sir Winston Churchill signature.svg
ភក្ដីភាពសហរាជាណាចក្រ សហរាជាណាចក្រ

Of mixed English and American parentage, Churchill was born in Oxfordshire to a wealthy, aristocratic family. He joined the British Army in 1895, and saw action in British India, the Anglo-Sudan War, and the Second Boer War, gaining fame as a war correspondent and writing books about his campaigns. Elected an MP in 1900, initially as a Conservative, he defected to the Liberals in 1904. In H. H. Asquith's Liberal government, Churchill served as President of the Board of Trade, Home Secretary, and First Lord of the Admiralty, championing prison reform and workers' social security. As First Lord during the First World War, he oversaw the Gallipoli Campaign; after it proved a disaster, he resigned from government and served in the Royal Scots Fusiliers on the Western Front. In 1917, he returned to government under David Lloyd George and served successively as Minister of Munitions, Secretary of State for War, Secretary of State for Air, and Secretary of State for the Colonies, overseeing the Anglo-Irish Treaty and Britain's Middle East policy. After two years out of Parliament, he served as Chancellor of the Exchequer in Stanley Baldwin's Conservative government, returning the pound sterling in 1925 to the gold standard at its pre-war parity, a move widely seen as creating deflationary pressure and depressing the UK economy.

Out of office during the 1930s, Churchill took the lead in calling for British rearmament to counter the growing threat of militarism in Nazi Germany. At the outbreak of the Second World War he was re-appointed First Lord of the Admiralty. In 1940 he became prime minister, replacing Neville Chamberlain. Churchill oversaw British involvement in the Allied war effort against the Axis powers, resulting in victory in 1945. After the Conservatives' defeat in the 1945 general election, he became Leader of the Opposition. Amid the developing Cold War with the Soviet Union, he publicly warned of an "iron curtain" of Soviet influence in Europe and promoted European unity. Re-elected Prime Minister in 1951, his second term was preoccupied with foreign affairs, including the Malayan Emergency, Mau Mau Uprising, Korean War, and a UK-backed Iranian coup. Domestically his government emphasised house-building and developed a nuclear weapon. In declining health, Churchill resigned as prime minister in 1955, although he remained an MP until 1964. Upon his death in 1965, he was given a state funeral.

Widely considered one of the 20th century's most significant figures, Churchill remains popular in the UK and Western world, where he is seen as a victorious wartime leader who played an important role in defending Europe's liberal democracy from the spread of fascism. Also praised as a social reformer and writer, among his many awards was the Nobel Prize in Literature. Conversely, his imperialist views and comments on race, as well as some wartime events like the 1945 bombing of Dresden, have generated considerable controversy.

