The pages listed below contain various tools and tutorials intended to simplify, make more efficient, or provide additional functionality to Wikipedians. See also Category:Wikipedia tools and Task-oriented tool list. For the Toolserver, see Wikipedia:Toolserver. For other useful directories, see the navigation bar above.
wikEd is a full-featured in-browser text editor for Wikipedia edit pages
Alternative browsing, alternatives to accessing Wikipedia through your web browser (mobile devices, desktop integration, alternate portals, etc.)
User Scripts, a collection of JavaScript routines that add functionality to Wikipedia pages (e.g., regex search and replace, changing article formatting, and simplifying common tasks)
Wikirage—What's hot in Wikipedia—This site lists the pages in Wikipedia that are receiving the most edits per unique editor over various periods of time
Igor—A wikiproject management tool. Allows a user to view and change the importance and class of articles tagged as part of a particular project. Development halted on Java version, and started on an online version.
Cleeki – Cleeki is a Windows-based program for generic search purpose, but particularly optimized for Wikipedia. In Cleeki with one click you can grab keywords anywhere on your screen from virtually any applications and get multiple relevant Wikipedia results immediately.
Wikimedia-Search search the realtime index for every project with suggest function Qwika is a search engine designed specifically to search wikis. It aims to cover all sizeable wikis in all sizeable languages, translate them, make them easily findable in the shortest possible time.
Placeopedia (dead link as of Mars 2011) Provides a means by which Google map markers can be linked directly to Wikipedia articles.
Google Web Accelerator should not be used for Wikipedia (that is, it should be disabled for the domain. For details, see Wikipedia:Google Web Accelerator.
dbswithuser – user data with edit counts (including deleted edits) of a user name in all replicated wikis of the Toolserver
Nubio is a repository for frequently asked questions. Also contains an edit counter, and a tracker of user registrations. (potentially broken: 403 error encountered: "User account expired")
wikEd – a full-featured in-browser text editor for Wikipedia edit pages that can convert text and tables pasted from Microsoft Word with a button click
meta:Word_macros – Visual Basic macros to use within Microsoft Word to prepare content to be pasted into a Wikipedia page
OpenOffice 2.3 can open Word files and export to MediaWiki format.
A free open source tool, in .net to convert CSV and EXCEL files to wiki table format: csv2other.
A proprietary, commercial, tool to create mass Mediawiki pages using CSV datasource and variable based templates. Results merged into a valid Mediawiki XML Import file. Mediawiki CSV Import tool.
Sun Wiki Publisher - an OpenOffice extension that allows exporting documents as MediaWiki source text via the File -> Export -> File Format drop down menu. Since can open all Microsoft Office files, one can open files created in Microsoft Word and export them to the MediaWiki format.
Not English – tools that have not yet been translated completely into English. Some need their descriptions translated from German, others are not available in English. Help translate if you can!